Target views

MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

These views provide information about a target in the target detail page. Available views depend on the target.


Shows a quicklook version (sometimes called a browse version) of target plotted on a locator frame (image). The locator frame is the image used by the science team to define the target. The contents of the product overview depends on the data type.


Links to data

Full-resolution image

View the locator frame with plotted target at full resolution. Use the mouse or on screen controls to zoom and pan about the image.

Locator frame PDS label

Shows the PDS label for the locator frame.

Other images of this target

The Notebook employs an automated procedure to find other images containing the target. The accuracy of varies depending on the distance from the rover to the target when it was defined. In some cases, that target may be obscured in an image.

Definition metadata

Metadata collected during target definition is displayed. Examples of metadata include sol, locator frame ID, pixel position of target within the locator frame, site, and drive.

see also